Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mushroom Madness

Sporadic but heavy rains have brought a plethora of mushrooms to Raleigh!

Marsh Creek Park mushrooms

Milburnie landfill meadow mushrooms

Decayed faerie ring at the Capitol

Ancient shelf shroom at Sadlacks (NE parking lot)

Baby shelf shrooms on my tomatillo cage

Cedar Hills Park

Below is a monster from my school, TFA.

Lots of mushrooms after sporadic but heavy rains this summer.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Marsh Creek Park Expansion

Off New Hope Road is Marsh Creek Park, which has recently added a recreational center and skate park.
The setting is typical Piedmont farmland after 50-60 years - upland pines and chestnut oaks with a slope down to water - though not Marsh Creek. the park is named for Marsh Creek Road, which begins just across New Hope.
The skate park is impressive and quite popular.

Just below the skate park is a rain garden with a beautiful stand of Joe-Pye-weed as seen below.

The new center has a large meadow beside it and its large parking areas have nice ecotone areas, though stilt grass is fast invading.

The microstegia - stilt grass or bamboo grass, is in the center.

This is a lower field, and through the trees are headwaters and a nice small pond.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pigeon House Re-hab Helps Edna Metz Wells Park

A nice piece of graffiti has garnered some media attention for the City rehabilitation project taking place just above Edna Metz Wells Park along Smallwood Drive. The stretch represents the headwaters of Pigeon House Branch, which was diverted, ditched and straightened during the construction of Cameron Village.

This is the current view of Edna Metz, but as you can see below, all is well in the interior.

The entrance off Park Drive.

The small park between East and West Forest drive just above Edna Metz.

This is the beginning of work on the Smallwood section. They added large boulders, retention terraces and other measures to complicate and slow down the flows after heavy rains and restore some biodiversity to this section of the creek.

The landscape is recovering quickly, as you can see be comparing this image with the one below from a month ago.

Pigeon House Branch crosses Clark into Edna Metz Wells Park.

Now here is the graffiti, at the outlet into the park.

Edie Sedgwick's portrait

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Downed Tree Highlights Snowy Greenway Walk

When the lovely, harmless 3 inch fluff ended on a Saturday morning, I took off for my favorite sight-seeing greenway, Buckeye Trail from Milburnie Road. At the edge of Rollingwood, Crabtree has carved out a tall bluff (at least for this part of Raleigh), and at the end of this picture post you will see a snowy tree which has fallen off this bluff on to the greenway.
Longview Branch at Mulburnie after snow February 12-13, 2010.

Longview Branch upstream from Milburnie greenway bridge.

Landfill meadow at Milburnie Road greenway.

Snowy slope on Buckeye Trail.

Deer and coon tracks after February snows at lanfill meadow on Buckeye Trail.

Pine and beech off Buckeye Trail.

Brook from Rollingwood slope enters Long Branch off Buckeye Trail.

Oak stump on Buckeye Trail

This tree had a monstrously huge box elder beetle gall on its side before being cut down.

(return to) Raleigh Nature snow post