Saturday, January 31, 2009

Midwinter Beech Luminaries

At the easternmost tip of Raleigh's greenways, Buckeye Trail at Milburnie Road, the young beeches, which keep their old leaves through the winter, look like luminaries spread through the flat lowland off this section of greenway. These pictures don't really capture the effect - I'll keep trying!

Young beech tree

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fletcher Park Water Garden

Fletcher Park's new water garden was recently finished.

The mallard ducks have already found the lowest and largest pool, which is part of a sequence designed to slow and filter water headed down to Pigeon House Branch.

Culvert feeds from baseball field.

The "spring-fed creek." (seep)

Irrigated lily garden.

Here is where the water exits down to Pigeon House Branch.

Pigeon House Branch west of Capital Blvd.